We make high quality products and attain a good cost performance
through our precise and sophisticated system.
The production department tries to supply high quality products and to improve productivity.

Production of High Quality Products
We try to produce high quality products paying strict attention to "receiving inspections", "process management" and "facility inspection". We pay special attention to prevent contamination by foreign substances in the process of production. We check packaging materials carefully before packing. We constructed a packing room in which we wear clean clothes for minimal exposure.
Production of Many Varieties
We accomplish the production of various kinds of products based on a detailed production plan in order to comply with a wide spectrum of customer needs. We make production plans using statistical techniques based on business information in order to supply present items (pharmaceuticals 76 types, reagents 96 types, food additives and industrial chemicals 192 types) continually. In addition, we inspect customer orders on arrival and react flexibly in order to prevent out of stock situation. We always meet the appointed date of delivery.
To Cut the Cost
There are various project teams such as "examining the ratio of workers to equipment" in the production department. All employees who are engaged in the production are always tackling problems with a positive attitude and strive to reduce the production costs.